Friday, July 25, 2014

Tales of *tiny* Ty: Four Month Round-Up

If I thought things were fun before, I must be having a big-time BLAST now!! And as it turns out, I am. This last month has been a blur of normal, happy days that are well deserving of a recap.

The month can be described in one word: handsy. Whenever Ty gets the chance he tries to cram one or both hands into his mouth. I suppose it's a sign of his developing hand/mouth coordination, but I miss all those big cheesy grins we used to get in pictures. The grins are still there, just largely obscured by slobbery little paws. If he loses (or removes) his pacifier, it takes him about .3 seconds to work his hands up there to take its place.

His eating has improved a lot, or maybe my approach has changed to accommodate his ornery little self. I usually have him bound in his sleep sack for feedings, and I've let go of the need to make him eat for a certain amount of time. If he's distracted, it's better to just let it go rather than wage war. His 6pm feeding, which was by far his absolute worst, has now become little more than a snack. And I'm ok with it.

 I feel like last month he was doing all kids of new things, but this month has mostly been a continuation of it all. He still only rolls on occasion and sometimes I can eek a giggle or two out of him. He pushes up really far when laying on his tummy and can grab things when placed in front of him. He does much better in the Bumbo and will sometimes even sit there nicely while I make dinner (THAT's a big help). He still pukes like a kid at a carnival, still fits perfectly in Carter's 3, and still likes to splash in the tub :)

I love my job and my tiny little boy! I try so hard to soak him up and thank the Lord that I get to do this life. From the time we brought him home the days and weeks have I take lots and lots of pictures:

This is pretty much the way Ty felt about the beach. Meh. 

I'm not really sure what's going on here.

Aww :) 

I can't get enough of bath towel baby. 

He likes to fold his hands nicely...when he isn't trying to stuff them in his mouth, of course. 

Love that little Zebra Cake!

Smile for mommy!

Taking advantage of my white duvet cover, now a bit worse for the wear thanks to my expectorating son. 

Sweet boy...sometimes ;) 

Notice I'm discouraging hand-munching in this shot. 

And this one. 

Oh...forget it. 

Knock yourself out, kid. 

Happy four months, buddy!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ty goes to the sea!

Me: “When are you taking me to the beach (read: Hilton Head)?”
Todd: “Someday.” 
Me: Hm. 

This conversation has happened I don’t know how many times. Todd is so aloof, ambiguous, safe. I want definite, penciled in, booked. We don’t always see eye to eye. My need to dip my toes in the ocean isn’t something we share, I’m sorry to say. 

However, on occasion we do find ourselves walking up and down a coastline and every time we do Todd is a hero and I leave with just enough of a sea air fix to hold me over until I get to another “someday.” As a matter of fact, I’m running on full right now :) 

Last week we wound our way down out of high-elevation Pretoria to seaside Durban, a city about six hours (and a pleasant temperature increase) away. Uh, that’s six hours sans-baby, y’all; it took us more like 7.5, but still totally worth it! We met up with American friends and had ourselves a regular time. 

I was hesitant to do “vacation” here in Africa. My attachment to Hilton Head makes it hard for me to want to embrace another locale; not all beaches are created equal, you know. I like to do what I do and eat what I eat at HHI…could it really feel like vacation anywhere else?

The answer: Yes. It sort of can.

After a brief respite at my brand new vacation destination, here’s what I’m feeling: 

1. 6 hours by map is about as far as I want to travel via car with a baby.

2. The Indian Ocean is absolutely gorgeous in the dry season…it looks turquoise, feels warm and boasts perfectly ridable waves.

3. Washing burp cloths (why are they called burp cloths, anyway? Burps don’t make a mess…) in a bathroom sink and hanging them out to dry on a piece of yarn tied between two plastic lawn chairs is about as redneck as laundry gets. But at least I did think to pack the yarn, right?

4. Looking at monkeys and the ocean at the same time is trippy. 

5. No matter how many you’ve packed, you need more burp cloths. 

6. Off-season prices rock!

7. Seriously, just throw in another bib. 

8. There are tasty restaurants in places other than HHI (what a relief!) 

9. It’s winter. He’s a baby. How could you not pack him a jacket?

10. I love vacation!

Here’s a peek at the week!

"My horrible parents take me to the beach and make me PUT MY FEET on the SAND! It's terrible and I make sure to pitch the big one every time they try something like this."