Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Sad Closet

We are down to:

1 day of work at the office (for Todd)
2 suitcases left to pack
3 Sundays at our home church...

I would go on, but my clever play on numeric succession ends abruptly at 3 :) But trust me, the progress we've made today alone has been significant, I think. Our dressers are just about empty, and the closet looks really, really sad (which is a good thing). We've tried to whittle our wardrobes down to only a few outfits, counting on frequent trips to the washing machine. It felt nice to condense. I have bags of stuff to throw away and bags of stuff to pass along.

My super organized husband has spreadsheets on the computer outlining our suitcases and their contents. His idea, not mine. I'll be thankful later when I wonder what on earth we have buried down there. It gets a little complicated when you take into account our side-trip to Germany. We have a conference to attend there prior to heading out to South Africa, and the climates will be worlds (or at least a hemisphere) apart. Tonight, the catchphrase as we packed was things "we absolutely will not need in Germany."

So far we've run into a minor issue with our packing: it would seem that our luggage suffers from obesity. The airline weight limit is 50lbs and both of our packed bags exceed by a little, one by a lot. If we were only embarking on a short excursion, the sticklers in us would be weeding out the expendables, but we're willing to pay the overage for a two-year term.

The mental countdown to takeoff is a bit...involuntary. I feel a little panicky sometimes when I think about how soon "it" will happen. Can I really only have a little (and I do mean a little) over two weeks here? It gets more real with every preparation we make.

I wonder...will the remaining days fly by, or drag?

It won't be long before I know :)

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