Monday, July 21, 2014

Ty goes to the sea!

Me: “When are you taking me to the beach (read: Hilton Head)?”
Todd: “Someday.” 
Me: Hm. 

This conversation has happened I don’t know how many times. Todd is so aloof, ambiguous, safe. I want definite, penciled in, booked. We don’t always see eye to eye. My need to dip my toes in the ocean isn’t something we share, I’m sorry to say. 

However, on occasion we do find ourselves walking up and down a coastline and every time we do Todd is a hero and I leave with just enough of a sea air fix to hold me over until I get to another “someday.” As a matter of fact, I’m running on full right now :) 

Last week we wound our way down out of high-elevation Pretoria to seaside Durban, a city about six hours (and a pleasant temperature increase) away. Uh, that’s six hours sans-baby, y’all; it took us more like 7.5, but still totally worth it! We met up with American friends and had ourselves a regular time. 

I was hesitant to do “vacation” here in Africa. My attachment to Hilton Head makes it hard for me to want to embrace another locale; not all beaches are created equal, you know. I like to do what I do and eat what I eat at HHI…could it really feel like vacation anywhere else?

The answer: Yes. It sort of can.

After a brief respite at my brand new vacation destination, here’s what I’m feeling: 

1. 6 hours by map is about as far as I want to travel via car with a baby.

2. The Indian Ocean is absolutely gorgeous in the dry season…it looks turquoise, feels warm and boasts perfectly ridable waves.

3. Washing burp cloths (why are they called burp cloths, anyway? Burps don’t make a mess…) in a bathroom sink and hanging them out to dry on a piece of yarn tied between two plastic lawn chairs is about as redneck as laundry gets. But at least I did think to pack the yarn, right?

4. Looking at monkeys and the ocean at the same time is trippy. 

5. No matter how many you’ve packed, you need more burp cloths. 

6. Off-season prices rock!

7. Seriously, just throw in another bib. 

8. There are tasty restaurants in places other than HHI (what a relief!) 

9. It’s winter. He’s a baby. How could you not pack him a jacket?

10. I love vacation!

Here’s a peek at the week!

"My horrible parents take me to the beach and make me PUT MY FEET on the SAND! It's terrible and I make sure to pitch the big one every time they try something like this." 

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