Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 34

I give new meaning to the term bump on a log. Or maybe I give it old meaning. Either way, I am the bump and my log is the couch, or the bed, or the other couch, or the other bed. Take your pick.

But I've got to say, I don't really mind the relative inactivity. I actual quite enjoy it. I get to rest and read and crochet and then rest from all the reading, crocheting and resting. I'm taking my own little vacation (interspersed with things like laundry, bathroom cleaning, cooking dinner, and other chores that have to be done occasionally) and it's nice. I don't think life with a newborn, or really any age child, is conducive to doing exactly as one likes, so I'll get that in while I can.

Hopefully that will explain why I don't have anything very interesting to say this week; I don't do anything very interesting :)

Weeks: 34. While the weeks don't go any faster then they used to, each one feels like a big deal now, like I'm really accomplishing something. That helps.  
Weight gain so far: Nearly 21.5 pounds. I almost don't even care anymore.  
Got any prego stretch marks? Still none.  
How am I sleeping? I'm usually really tired at night and I think on the whole I sleep well.   
Feeling anything in there? Am I the only one who sometimes wishes he would just calm down? It's cute for a while, but there are times when he can really get going and eventually all that turning and churning can make me feel sea sick.    
Aversions or cravings? I've wanted to eat a lot this week. I don't think I've killed it or anything, but I've had an appetite. 
What’s the gender? Boy. 
Any labor signs? Nope. Maybe just another month and a half, though...  
How pregnant do I feel? Heartburn is back a little more forcefully than it was last week, but still not as bad as it's been. I'm heavy and slow-moving and feeling pregnant for sure.    
Belly button in or out? Still in...
Still sporting my wedding rings? Sadly, no. 

We have our 34 week appointment with the midwife tomorrow and then we should have one at 36 weeks with my OB. The OB appointment is where we hope to get the "all clear" to proceed as intended with the midwife practice. We're praying a lot these days for no complications and trusting that God will do and provide all that is needed. Out of control is a good place to be, really :)  

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