Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 38

Hate to state the obvious, but...there's still no bump picture. You'll just have to use your imagination.

There isn't really much to report beyond the usual gab, and even that is starting to go a little rusty. But, since you stopped by, you must still be interested in what's going on for some reason ;) Oh, and just to bring you up to date on the calamities of last week, our power and water were successfully restored to us sometime on Thursday! Every now and then I need an exercise in not-being-in-control, and last week was a good one. I should be set for a while.

Weeks: 38. Hip hooray :) 
Weight gain so far: Still about 26 pounds which means no weight gain this week! This is the first time in WEEKS I've managed to maintain. We'll see if I don't make up for it by next week, though. 
Got any prego stretch marks? Ok, so, I think I do and I think I have for a while. They aren't on my belly, but I do have a couple of...stretch dots?...on my hips. I have some old stretch marks there too, must be from YEARS ago. The dots aren't big and there aren't lots, just a few. I think it will be more obvious that they're stretch marks after they change from reddish-purple to silver.   
How am I sleeping? I wake often but I can usually fall back asleep after the trips to the bathroom.     
Feeling anything in there? Yep. He's still there. 
Aversions or cravings? Not really. 
What’s the gender? Boy. 
Any labor signs? Yes, but they're kind of TMIish. Probably better just to keep them to myself, since I have something of a mixed audience.
How pregnant do I feel? Heartburn wasn't that bad yesterday, so that's a win. I've also managed to get some chores done this week, which does wonders for one's quality of life :) I rest a lot, but no complaints.  
Belly button in or out? Still in...
Still sporting my wedding rings? Sadly, no. 

If you're getting bored, you're not alone. Hang in there with me for just a few more weeks and then we can have lots of fun looking at baby pictures! That's why people have babies, right? It's got to be for the pictures ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, just so you don't feel alone, depressed, or somehow as if you are the only person that's going through some of the same things, I would like to go on record that I too have experienced what seems to be a 26 pound weight gain. The scales say otherwise but I feel like I have so that makes it true--because I feel that way. As for stretch marks, well that's where the weight gain is a benefit because my skin is stretched so tightly that there is no possiblity of a wrinkle, spot, or anything else. I too have experienced labor-like pains but it is most likely the consumption of an overabundance of gaseous producing foods. [It is lonely on the couch!] As for the chores, I've surrendered and the place is a mess but it is not painful because the long naps mean I do not have to see it. However, where we differ is that I don't have a niece that is completely insane but you cannot say that about your uncle.
