Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Wednesday Stork: Week 19

Another week already? Just hasn't started flying by yet :) I'm told it does, but I'll let you know if that's true.

I had a request last week to do a belly shot which, as you know, is something I've been putting off. I still don't think it's worth sharing at this point, but the satisfaction of my reader(s) says otherwise. Therefore, it is my dubious pleasure to give you...

...the 19 week belly:

This was shot pretty much first thing this morning, so it's not being off-set by a stomach full of food; I wanted to get as true as I could to the real thing.

 However, I've never heard any other pregnant woman mention this, but I feel like I have two "bumps." This is the one that's comfortable, as in, I can still breath. If I let everything "go," the bump is slightly more impressive, but that's not how I walk around all day. If I did that, I'd suffocate. Has anyone else felt like that?


Weeks: 19. Todd called it "half way" and I promptly corrected him. This will almost certainly last the entire 40-41 weeks for me and, as you know, 19+19=38. 
Weight gain so far: I have no idea. I weigh myself nearly every morning and my level of fluctuation is off the chain. Today, I was back at just over a 3 pound increase, but last week I was at 6! And I held on to it for nearly the whole week so I was pretty certain it was here to stay. It was just this morning that I was w-a-y down again. Whatever.   
Wearing maternity clothes? Well, no....but I wish I had some! 
Got any prego stretch marks? No. 
How am I sleeping? This has been another pretty good week of sleep. I think I had my first difficult morning today.  
What do I miss? Oxygen. I'll get to that in a minute.   
Feeling anything in there? Yes. But the more exciting part is that Todd can too! I'm really surprised since I think it's technically still "too early" for him to be able to feel anything. But last night I could feel Ty moving around and told Todd that if he would just keep his hand there for awhile, he might be able to as well. It took a few minutes, and he says it was very subtle, like feeling a heart beat, but he felt it :)  
Aversions or cravings? I was on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich kick this weekend, but seeing how I didn't want another 2.5 pound weight gain this week I tried to lay off of them...but they still sound pretty good and it has been three days so maybe I've earned one.
What’s the gender? I'm still under the impression that the Dr. found it to be male. 
Any labor signs? None. 
How pregnant do I feel? A bit. I found myself needing to take deep breaths this week; every so often, I just have to do this great big inhale. I guess it might be the uterus starting to crowd my diaphragm, which does happen eventually. To tell the truth, I feel kind of silly to get as "winded" as I do being no bigger than I am. 
Belly button status: In. 
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yes. Although, I wake up sometimes in the night and feel that a few of my fingers have fallen asleep. I've thought more than once that maybe my fingers have swollen and my rings are cutting off the circulation, but that's not been the case. I don't know what causes the numbness at night but the rings are not yet the culprits! 

And that wraps up the past week! Stay tuned next week for: the big 20 :)