Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tales of *tiny* Ty: Food!

It happened. Today was the day. And by "the" day I mean the day I put something on a spoon and eased it into Ty's very hesitant mouth. Not the day he actually gained any non-milk nutrients. Ha. No.

On this our maiden food voyage we embarked on the Butternut Boat. He handled it about like I expected. Made some pretty horrible faces while slowly moving the mashed up squash around in his mouth before spitting it all back out...or letting it escape naturally in a slow drool. I didn't try to give him very much as I know that's far from realistic at this point. Plus I don't want him to hate food. Or me.

Anyway. He was a normal baby. No food lover on my hands just yet.

I plan to give him a few days to get good and used to butternut before moving on to sweet potato, perhaps? I don't see who wouldn't like sweet potato, but this baby...he's his own man.

Please enjoy these highly revealing images from our morning :)

Anticipating the first bite...

Wait for iiiiiiit...

What is happening???


Yuck! Oh, bleh, that is DISGUSTING. 

Noooo! Not another one!

Yeah...he hasn't quite figured out that he actually has to tip the bottle up before anything will happen. 

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