Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Maiden Voyage

Sometimes, breakfast should be more of an adventure than a square start to your day; it's days like these you find yourself asking, "isn't there a more thrilling coffee mug?"

You're not alone. All across the planet people are pouring their hot drinks into vessels of mediocrity; they're sipping steaming beverages from beakers of sheer ordinary. It's just one of the many normal things we do, and keep doing, over and over again. Where does the cycle end? Does it end?

Don't believe for a minute that drinking from an average mug is your destiny; it doesn't have to be that way. Succumb to the lies and you'll soon find yourself spiraling downwards through a dark tunnel that ends...where? Acceptance of drinking coffee out of styrofoam cups at the office? Thoughtlessly using the same nothing mug, morning after morning?

Perhaps it would help for you to take a step back and look at your life objectively. Close your eyes; imagine yourself at the breakfast table, reading the newspaper or checking the stocks. In your hand is a mug. You can see the steam rising from the brim, but the mug itself is hazy. Focus, focus. What do you see? This is important...your mug will tell you who you are. Cream colored with your insurance company's logo printed on it? That says you're bored, too bored to explore the possibility of owning a mug with character. Or maybe you see a mug that's chipped a little and solid navy. It's your go-to mug, and that's where you're going wrong. Don't be a go-to mug person; it screams "comfortable," and "completely lacking in originality."

This is depressing, isn't it? I can see you're beginning to wonder if there's any hope, or if a future of being wrongly defined by your coffee mug is inevitable. But don't sip into despondency just yet; there IS hope.

It's time to embrace your need for early morning adventure, and your plain-Jane mug isn't going to cut it. You need something fresh, edgy, something that takes you places you never thought hot beverages could go. You need to be transported. A good mug can do that.

In an effort to inspire to you think outside the mug, take a look at this beauty. It took its maiden voyage just last week and proved a worthy vessel for my morning rooibos tea. I'll be booking the Dawn Treader again in the future when I need something more than breakfast as usual :)

This is another fine artistic piece by THE Todd Overbeek Jr. :) To read more about his process, check out last month's post here.

1 comment:

  1. Think I'm going to break some mugs! I've been considering some "moves" that are a bit scary.
