Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Wednesday Stork: Week 16

I think I told Todd a few weeks ago that Pippy would never make it to 16 was just so far away, the day would simply never come. Pregnancy felt (and still feels, at times) like an endless wait for something to happen. 

But, surprise surprise, here we are! 

Weeks: 16 today...finally ;) 
Weight gain so far: Let's go with 3 pounds. This time last week I thought I'd gained aout 3.5 pounds, but then I had a rather drastic drop and have slowly been creeping back upwards. I forgot to weigh in this morning but for the last few days I've been hovering at roughly a 3 pound increase. 
Wearing maternity clothes? No, and knowing that I have none to wear even if I wanted to makes me nervous. I guess it's a good thing there isn't much of a bump yet, and that I rarely leave the house! 
Got any prego stretch marks? Nope. 
How am I sleeping? I guess I'm sleeping ok. I am beginning to be less comfortable on my back and not much more comfortable on my side. Bless Todd, he went out this week with a plan to buy me a Tempurpedic side-sleeping pillow and body pillow as a present. However, when he got to the store, he found they don't carry either :( It was so sweet of him to think of doing that for me! Although, it may have something to do with the fact that I've asked him if he'll sell me his side-sleeping pillow. I used to think that thing wasn't very comfortable but now that I'm almost forced to sleep on my side, I've come around. 
What do I miss? La Carreta. That has little to do with being pregnant and lots to do with being an ex-pat ;) 
Feeling anything in there? I'm beginning to wonder how I'll know when it's a baby and not a gas bubble or rumbling stomach. So far I'd have to say that no, I don't think I've felt it. 
Aversions or cravings? I crave lots of things that I just can't get here. Again, that's not really a pregnancy issue. 
What’s the gender? We're currently accepting votes...the majority seem to think it's a girl. I will still hold to my original guess of boy. We're hoping Pip cooperates at our ultrasound next week. 
Any labor signs? Negative. 
How pregnant do I feel? Less and less and more and more, if that makes any sense. I have had a mostly good week with very little nausea in the evenings, so I hope the lingering sick feeling will check the calendar and realize that its day is past. Anyway, that's the "less and less" part. In the more and more category, I feel like I'm getting more of a belly, though it's still not very visible. It just feels big and heavy at times, especially when I'm lying on my back, or when I first get up in the morning. I debated whether to start measuring it.  
Belly button status: In. Definitely in. 
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yes. Hope to keep them as long as I can!

That wraps it up for 16 weeks! If you haven't already, don't forget to vote here for which you think we should have on hand for Pip: bow ties or hair bows??

1 comment:

  1. I know this is only your second post, and there isn't necessarily anything much going on, but I'm loving these! I hope the belly cooperates with the no-maternity-clothes-yet problem and stays put until your clothes arrive. However, I don't think baby movements *have* to wait. ;) I love hearing my pregnant friends talk about feeling the baby move for the first time! So cool!
