Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Wednesday Stork: Week 15

Welcome to The Wednesday Stork! Wednesdays are the day I switch weeks, and today marks a whopping 15! This means I hit the second trimester *pause for angel chorus* last week, and that was a big milestone...mentally, anyway. 

I’ve seen posts like this on a couple of different blogs, so I took/modeled the items below from the template others have used. Usually, a belly shot accompanies an entry like this but...I’m lazy and don’t feel like lugging out and setting up the camera on the tripod. That and there isn’t much to see. I have a bit of a pot belly but nothing terribly baby-bumpish yet. When it gets more interesting, I’ll put something up :) 

Without further ado...

Weeks: 15 today! Woohoo!
Weight gain so far: About 3.5 pounds, or 1.6 kgs, if you’re in ZA. I’m hoping this is in the normal vicinity.
Wearing maternity clothes? I bought a pair of elastic-waisted shorts from a department store here. They’re not maternity (they were with the swim suits, actually), but they do they job. My others were just feeling kind of tight. I’ve gone through my closet and found the things that I think I can make work with a slight belly, but if things get serious, I’m in trouble. Maternity clothes are SO HARD to find here. Thankfully, my mom *hi mom* has been on the lookout back in America, picking up all kinds of summer maternity and a couple maxi dresses on clearance! The downside is...they won’t make it to me for a couple more months. 
Got any preggo stretch marks? I should think not.
How am I sleeping? Oh, I sleep pretty ok. I’m a back sleeper and that is getting less and less comfortable. I have to make a bathroom run at least once during the night, but I’ve had a micro bladder since I was about 8 years old. Nothing new there. 
What do I miss? Deli meat. Lunch time options are limited. 
Feeling anything in there? It’s a bit early to feel the baby moving, but I’m on the alert :) According to my sources, I can expect to notice things happening between 16 and 20 weeks.
Aversions or cravings? Oh dear, those come and go. 
What’s the gender? We are a house divided: Todd says girl, I say boy. 
Any labor signs? That’d be a no. 
How pregnant do I feel? As fantastic as a Beauty and Beast moment would have been, I did not go through any magical, dramatically-lit transformations as I exited the first trimester and emerged in the second. I’m still lacking in the energy department but I can usually get some stuff done in the mornings. I try to take about a 40-minutes walk Monday-Friday, and come back whipped! I get out before it gets too hot, but even at 8 a.m., that South African sun is killer! I have mostly nausea-free mornings and early afternoons, but almost always feel bleh in the evenings. 
Belly button status: It’s a major inny, but I keep my eye on it :) 
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yes...If it were winter I would be optimistic about keeping them on the whole pregnancy, but in this heat and lack of air conditioning, I’m not holding my breath.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it to the second trimester. I vaguely remember when Diane made that transition but then, I had a very easy time during pregnancy. I never did experience the morning sickness, cravings [I ate anything and everything but did experience the weight gain], or any of the usual symptoms, Sleeping was never a problem either. In fact, I found pregnancy to be pretty much a non-event for me. Now, if you want to talk about the years that followed---that's another story. Glad you are doing well.
