Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Wednesday Stork: Week 23

There's no satisfying me. Last week I thought the picture was too understated, this week I think I look too big. I guess I'll never know which it really is...

But I'm not the only one who must think things are starting to become obvious. This Sunday at church someone jokingly told me that I needed to eat less, so if people are comfortable enough to insult me openly, I must be getting big ;)

Largeness aside, the week has been *largely* uneventful. I got back in the walking groove (heat and vacation mentality got in the way a while back) and hope I can keep that up more faithfully from here on out. But if it gets too hot...I'm not making any promises.

That said, here're the stats:

Weeks: NOW it's 23 :)  
Weight gain so far: No weight gain from last week (score!), which means I'm still hovering at just over 10 pounds. Can I maintain for one more week before lurching ahead again? Only time (and the scale) will tell...   
Wearing maternity clothes? This is becoming a sore subject because I'm not wearing maternity clothes and I certainly should be. My jeans which, until now, I was keeping on using the the hair tie trick, are no longer viable options (not that I want to wear them in this heat anyway). I wear elastic shorts most days and elastic skirts if I need to look "nice." The tops I have that are long enough to still be in the "it works" wardrobe are few...very few. 
Got any prego stretch marks? Still don't think so. Someone asked me this week what I was using for them and I confessed that I don't use a thing. I was under the impression that nothing can prevent them in they're going to happen so it seemed silly to buy anything special. Anyone else have thoughts on this?    
How am I sleeping? Pretty great! Though, I've found myself wanting to be on my back again lately. It's not terribly comfortable, but somehow still feels more sleepable than my side at times. 
What do I miss? Nothing too desperately.    
Feeling anything in there? Oh yeah. And the movements aren't just flickers anymore, though he's still fond of those. Now I get a lot of all-out movements, as in I think I'm feeling his body move as opposed to just a kick here and a jab there. It's cool but weird. And he's a bit more predictable than he used to be. Often after my early morning bathroom break, I can come back to bed and lay on my back and he'll be busy doing...whatever they're busy doing in there. 
Aversions or cravings? Nothing too overpowering.  
What’s the gender? Boy.  
Any labor signs? Nope. 
How pregnant do I feel? It's been a nice week. And by "nice week" I mean I haven't felt overly pregnant :) I was low energy last week but haven't had a single nap all this week so far! That's a big deal. 
Belly button status: Still in but I have a feeling that I'll have to revisit this in the next few weeks... 
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yep! 

That's it! See you at 24 :) 

1 comment:

  1. It's all baby, sweetie. Ty is just going to be a nice sized boy!!
