Thursday, January 2, 2014

Am I becoming...crafty?!

Have I mentioned before how completely un-crafty I am? How next to my mom *hi mom*, I'm about the least crafty person I know? I think I have.

Well. It appears that that is starting to change, if only a teeny tiny little bit.

A few weeks ago I took up something that has never before worked for me: crochet. I have tried both knitting and crocheting in the past, but have never been successful. I found it frustrating and I didn't really understand what on earth I was doing and really, who has the patience?!

I guess it's the prospect of motherhood that has started transforming my I'm-not-crafty-so-I-obviously-can't-do-that-and-won't-even-try attitude. I still recognize that I'm no Todd (that man is a genius and complete whiz at just about anything he wants to do), but perhaps I'm not all thumbs after all :)

Going to the yarn store for the first time was overwhelming. The place was wall to wall yarn and I barely knew what I was doing. Todd helped (even though most of this is new to him too).

The next step was trying to make sense of a crochet pattern. I was having a hard time following the YouTube tutorial...Todd helped.

As you can see, this, like most of my ventures, required a little confidence boost from my personal confidence booster :) When I run into something confusing, or when I'm not sure I'm doing a stitch correctly, Todd helps.

 Crocheting is a relaxing hobby (if I know what I'm doing) and while it does require some patience, the end result is never too far off. I like finishing a row, holding up the project, and being able to see the progress.

These guys are hanging out in Ty's closet, waiting for a little baby head to keep warm :)

Elf hat: this one is cute :) Here's the tutorial I used to make this hat, and here's the tutorial for the pompom. 

Bear hat: I so wanted a bear hat! I'll only be able to make a little boy wear cute things for so long, so I better get it in while I can. Here's the tutorial for this hat. Todd came up with the pattern for the ears, and I just hope we can remember what it was, should I ever make another one of these.

Beanie with button: This hat turned out much bigger than expected. It will definitely not fit Ty as a newborn (uh, I sure HOPE it won't!), but I imagine he'll be able to wear it when we go home for furlough next winter (Lord willing. He'll be about 8 months when we get there in December). I'm not sure why it turned out so big, but oh well. Here's the tutorial.

Inspired? Tempted to try? I warn you: it's addicting :)

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