Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 29

I'm all the time looking for milestones in this pregnancy and ending the 20s certainly qualifies as a major milestone :) There's no real reason, of course. I'll just enjoy knowing and saying that I'm in the 30s. Week 29, therefore, will be the end of a mini-era.

I measured 29 centimeters at my midwife appointment yesterday; that's more like it (you may recall that at my 25 weeks appointment I was measuring 27 cm! FAT!). The midwife didn't tell me what percentage that puts Ty in, but I can't imagine he's still 90th percentile. I guess it's more like 50th percentile since he's pretty much right on track.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else to report from our appointment. The midwife thinks I'm doing great and was impressed by lack of aches-and-pains complaints :) By the grace of God, I have really had very little to complain about since the end of that looong stint of nausea at the beginning.

Weeks: 29! I never thought I'd be looking forward to "being in my 30s" :) 
 Weight gain so far: Just under 16 pounds. Love that things seem to have slowed down to a manageable pace! I might even make my weight gain goal.
 Got any prego stretch marks? Nope. Weird. 
 How am I sleeping? I have good nights and not so good nights. Last night was good, so I'm thankful. 
 Feeling anything in there? Indeed I am...and I'm afraid he's got himself all turned around and right side up! I keep reminding myself that it's early days yet, but I'd LOVE for him to get attached to floating upside down. 
 Aversions or cravings? Not really. I managed to chop an onion and throw it in some soup last week. I call that progress. 
 What’s the gender? Boy.
 Any labor signs? No. Is it weird that I doubt I'll be able to tell when there are labor signs? I've got myself so convinced that I'll go at least several days late so if anything happens before my due date, I'll be very skeptical that it could possibly be the real thing. Plus, I know people have "false alarms" all the time. I'd hate to let myself think it's happening when it's not. 
 How pregnant do I feel? This is a dumb question. Just assume that I pretty much always feel pregnant anymore. 
 Belly button in or out? It's in, and I appreciate that. 
 Still sporting my wedding rings? Yep!

I'll admit that this has been among the faster weeks, but don't think that means I think it's gone by quickly. I'm staunchly sticking to my original opinion that this is going to last for-ever ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Great report. We are praying for you guys and look forward to meeting Ty one day in the future.
