Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 27

No sappy year-in-review posts on The Narrowed Lens...I'm a little too excited about the future to put much time into recapping the past ;) However, since I took a week off, I think you deserve a bit of an update.

Last week we met with one of the midwives at the practice we're using. I don't know if she'll be "my" midwife, but I liked her and wouldn't mind seeing her again. I had my first belly measurement and was shocked to have it come to 27 centimeters! I was only 25 weeks at the time, so to hear "27" come out of that woman's mouth was a shocker. It threw Ty into the 90th percentile, for crying out loud! Tell me if I'm in denial, but I don't think I'm toting a 90th percentile baby. I just don't.

Aside from that bit of news the only other notable thing from the appointment was the new diet suggestion the midwife made. After I gave her a general overview of what I eat most days (hey, she asked), her comment was that it sounded like a lot of carbs. She recommended that I replace my sandwich at lunch with a salad.


I do enjoy salads, but I was so enjoying eating my egg sandwiches on TWO slices of bread (prior to pregnancy, on the rare occasions that I ate sandwiches, I typically only ate it on one slice. Two slices has been a luxury). The rationale behind the midwife's suggestion is that carbs are the most unnecessary part of the diet, and (this part was news to me) they supposedly make big babies? Who knew?

Anyway, at first I was ticked (if you can't eat a guilt-free sandwich while pregnant, when can you eat one?!), but I started making a conscious effort to try to eat at least one breadless meal a day. While eating isn't near the fun it used to be, I must say...I think it's really helped slow my weight gain. That just about makes it all worth it :)

And, that's what you missed! Here's how things are looking now:

Weeks: 27!  
Weight gain so far: Roughly 14 pounds. I think this would be much closer to 15 and maybe even more if I hadn't adjusted my diet.  
Got any prego stretch marks? No, not yet. To be honest I haven't noticed much of a size increase for a while. I'm sure he's growing, but it's not very obvious from the outside. Not to me, anyway. 
How am I sleeping? I think I toss and turn a lot and usually make multiple trips to the bathroom. I don't see things improving, but overall I guess it's not too bad. I can still usually fall asleep without trouble.  
Feeling anything in there? New development: I think I have positively identified a heel! Over the past week and a half or so he's started spreading out so that his territory now includes the extremities of my sides. And he likes to run his heel up and down them :) If it's not his heel it's his knee or fist or something small and round. Anyway, at times it can be so sudden and forceful that it makes me jump.    
Aversions or cravings? Well, naturally, if someone tells you to try not to eat something (like, uh, carbs) that's probably the thing you want to eat. I'm not being super strict with myself, though. I hate to know that there's something I "can't" eat if I want it, so I haven't cut the carbs altogether. After all, the recommendation was just to modify my lunch...
What’s the gender? Boy. Haha...wouldn't it be funny if all the ultrasounds were wrong? Actually, no. That wouldn't be funny. I've gotten myself all prepared for boy-ness.   
Any labor signs? Nope. 
How pregnant do I feel? I think the pregnant feeling will only get stronger from here out. This week I've dealt with the feeling of being winded. It's like I can't get enough air sometimes.   
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yep!

This wraps up the second trimester! Woohoo! Tune in next week as we start the 12 week countdown to due date! 

Note: I do not actually expect him to appear on or before his due date of April 2nd. I would, however, be very grateful if he'd grace us with his presence by April 9th. That seems reasonable. Maybe he's a reasonable guy.

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