Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 33

Well, here we all are. Another week older, another week fatter, if you're me. I'm slowing down, y'all, I really think I am. My walks aren't quite as brisk as they used to be (though Todd would probably tell you they haven't been exactly "brisk" for months now) and I find myself resting a lot. 

But as usual, I have nothing to really complain about, and I'm grateful for that. If fat and tired are as bad as it gets, then this will have been a truly blessed and easy pregnancy :) 

Weeks: 33. You know, I think the reason this feels like it's crawling is because I'm keeping such close count. Maybe that's why it feels like the women I know who are a few weeks or months behind me seem to be moving at an unjustly fast rate.   
Weight gain so far: It's just under 20 pounds. It's starting to look like I won't make my goal (which is completely arbitrary and I never knew if it was realistic), but I don't have much to be ashamed of. I think Todd would vouch for me that I have not eaten like a crazy person. 
Got any prego stretch marks? The last time I saw my belly (and I see a lot of it), it was still stretch mark-free! 
How am I sleeping? If you don't count the two or more interruptions per night, I sleep great! I've found I'm really tired by about 9 or 10pm and have been able to fall asleep quickly. I also haven't had much trouble falling back to sleep after making my bathroom runs.    
Feeling anything in there? He just moves and moves and moves. Anytime, anyway he wants, he is one moving baby. We are quite curious to know what the little round thing is that he is always poking out of my lower left side. We've taken to just calling it "the little round thing." I hope he does it at our appointment next week so I can get some insight from the midwife. I'm sure she's got more experience at identifying little round things.     
Aversions or cravings? Bring on the Papa John's. 
What’s the gender? Boy. 
Any labor signs? Nope. There's still a very long way to go before this will even be a realistic question.   
How pregnant do I feel? I tell you, my heartburn has calmed WAY down! There have been plenty of days this week when I haven't even needed to take any medicine! It might be too good to last, but I'll take the break. Otherwise, as far as feeling pregnant goes, I feel very pregnant. Slow and heavy.    
Belly button in or out? In. Todd is watching it like a hawk :)  
Still sporting my wedding rings? Erm, no. I took them off last week, more as a precaution than anything else. I was afraid I'd wait too long and get them stuck and stuck rings are one of the most claustrophobic feelings. I miss them, but better safe than sorry. I'm glad I removed them when I did because I think my fingers have swollen a tiny bit. 


I am probably about the laziest person you'll meet these days but it's such a blessing to have the freedom to rest and take it easy. From what I hear, I better take it while I can ;) 



  1. "Todd is watching it like a hawk." You crack me up!

    I say use this perfectly legitimate excuse to be as lazy as you want to be. The good Lord knows I plan to do exactly that one day. ;)

    Question: Where are you keeping your rings while you're not wearing them? Olivia wore hers around her neck on a chain, which I like, but I'm always looking for creative ideas for things like this. I'm desperately afraid of losing small things like rings one day. :P

  2. I'm afraid I'm not very creative...I too am afraid of misplacing the rings and that is why they are with my jewelry travel bag :) Not sentimental or anything, but highly practical...
