Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Wednesday Stork: Week 32

Happy 32 weeks everyone! Can I pretend this is a really big milestone and celebrate with cake or something? I do have cake, you know...four packs of Little Debbie Zebra Cakes in my freezer, all the way from the USA. I did have five packs, but, you know. Actually, I'm very good at making them last. When you only get a handful of those every few months, you learn to take it easy.

We had our 32 week appointment on Monday and it's the first one that didn't earn a glowing report, I'm sorry to say. Brace yourself: Ty is no longer measuring in the 90th percentile, but the 50th! Shocked? Yeah, me neither. The midwife said that actually she likes this better, based on my size (didn't I say I didn't feel like I was toting a 90th percentile baby?), but on the charts, going from 90th to 50th makes him look like he's not growing. If he slips below the 50th percentile at our next appointment (34 weeks), she'll order an ultrasound to find out why he isn't growing properly.

Frankly, I'm not worried about it. I know he's growing. He sticks out all over and just go ahead and compare this week's bump to the one at 30 weeks. You'll probably agree with me. He's definitely not struggling in the growth department :)

In addition to the case of the incredible shrinking baby, this appointment also resulted in a "drink lots of water" mandate, for reasons I won't go into here. It's not likely to be anything serious, based on the fact that I'm not swelling and have a routinely low(ish) blood pressure, but I'm supposed to drink a lot all the same. Fantastic. Just when I thought the bathroom couldn't get any more familiar...

Weeks: 32. It does keep creeping steadily along, despite it not seeming to at times.  
Weight gain so far: Can I say 18.7 pounds? Is that obnoxious? 
Got any prego stretch marks? Still none, which I think is near miraculous. 
How am I sleeping? Last night was good. Tonight...who can say?   
Feeling anything in there? Uh-huh. He's in there alright.    
Aversions or cravings? I'll stick with Papa John's. I'm not craving it any more than usual but it is something I almost always miss. 
What’s the gender? Boy. 
Any labor signs? I still hold to the suspicion that I won't know when it starts.  
How pregnant do I feel? Not too bad. Heartburn visits often, I get winded easily, but I can't really complain. These are but minor discomforts :)   
Belly button in or out? Oh y'all, it's funny how badly this thing wants to pop out but remains just barely in :) 
Still sporting my wedding rings? Yep! 

Next on my list is picking out which pictures from our holiday I want to share with you all. There're tons to choose from and I'll have to WAY limit myself. I'll get right on sorting out the best of the best...after a trip to the bathroom.